
What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?
Abby Mayer Abby Mayer

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle, yet powerful therapy that has been making waves in the world of holistic health. Click to read more about this fascinating modality!

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Are Desks the Enemy?
Abby Mayer Abby Mayer

Are Desks the Enemy?

Yes, the positioning is bad. But it’s when we stay in these positions for hours and days, and entire careers, that our bodies respond with a vengeance.

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Should I Cancel My Massage if I’m Sick?
Abby Mayer Abby Mayer

Should I Cancel My Massage if I’m Sick?

Everyone hates being sick. Your brain is foggy, your body aches, your nose is chapped from all those cheap tissues… Please do me and the rest of my clients a favor and cancel your appointment!

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Stress, Anxiety, and Massage
Abby Mayer Abby Mayer

Stress, Anxiety, and Massage

Massage therapy is a safe way to manage stress and anxiety. With relatively few drug interactions and a very low chance for injury, massage can be helpful to a wide variety of people dealing with stress and anxiety.

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The Importance of Client Feedback
Abby Mayer Abby Mayer

The Importance of Client Feedback

Being willing to express what you like or dislike about a massage can be the difference between a session that’s just so-so, to one that’s exactly what you need!

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What is Thai massage?
Abby Mayer Abby Mayer

What is Thai massage?

Thai massage mainly uses compression and stretching techniques to improve flexibility and poor posture. It is traditionally performed on a mat on the floor, but can be adapted to a table as well.

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