What to Expect from your First Massage

A massage is intended to be a calm and relaxing experience. But if it’s your first massage, you may feel a little trepidation. Don’t let that hold you back! With a little information about what to expect, you’ll walk into your first massage feeling like a seasoned pro.

Expect Communication

After removing your shoes at the door, we’ll take a seat and chat for a few minutes before your session starts. We’ll talk about why you’re coming in for a massage and what your goals are for the session. Are you having pain? Are you feeling anxious, and do you need to relax? I’ll need to know a little bit about your health history and treatment preferences in order to best serve you. You’ll actually answer most of these questions on your intake form when you book your appointment, but we will go over them when you come in for the first time.

If you’re open to aromatherapy, I’ll have you choose a scent that you like, then I’ll show you the massage table and walk you through the process. I’ll let you know whether to lay on the table face up or face down underneath the top sheet and blanket — handy tip in case you forget what I say when I leave the room: if the face cradle is up that means lay face down, if you don’t see a U-shaped pillow at the head of the table, that means lay face up!

By the way, yes, that glass of water and chocolate over by the chairs is for you!

Expect to “Undress to Your Level of Comfort”

Okay, but what does that even mean? This is the standard instructional phrase taught in massage schools all over the country. The intent is to put the client at ease and make sure they feel comfortable, but more often than not it confuses people and causes more anxiety, which is why I don’t use it in my practice.

Most massage techniques are traditionally performed with the client unclothed; however, what you wear is entirely up to you. Simply put: you can leave your underwear/boxers on or take them off, however you’re most comfortable. Folks wearing bras or binders, feel free to keep those on as well if that will put you at ease, however you should expect more of a compression-style massage on your back if you choose to keep these garments on, since I won’t be able to glide over them with lotion.


If you aren’t comfortable removing any clothing, consider booking a Thai massage since that modality is performed completely clothed! I’ll leave the room so you may undress, get on the massage table (it’s super-cozy), and get comfortable under the draping sheet & blanket.

Movies and TV shows always show massage clients naked on a table with just a tiny towel for draping. That’s not what real massage draping looks like! I use sheets that cover your whole body. You’ll stay covered throughout the massage, I’ll only undrape the part of your body that I am massaging right then. 

Expect More Communication

When I come back into the room, I’ll help you get comfortable with pillows or bolsters — let me know if the face cradle or bolster under your knees/ankles needs to be adjusted at all. Don’t be afraid to adjust and fidget as needed during the massage to stay cozy. It’s great if you can let your body relax and sink into the table. If I need to move your arms or legs, I’ll do the work! This takes practice, you’ll probably try to help me.

It’s really important for you to tell me if any massage techniques I use cause pain. Pain is not okay. There may be a certain level of discomfort and ‘good ache’ if we’re working on a problem area. It’s important that you tell me about that, too, so we can tailor the massage to be most effective without causing pain or injury. 

I’ll check in with you as we go, but please speak up if you become too warm or too cool, if you are not comfortable on the table, or if you just hate the music! I’ll tell you when the massage is over and leave the room so you can slowly get up and dressed. Whenever you’re ready for me to re-enter, simply open the door.

Expect Some Final Instructions

You should expect to feel mellow and relaxed after your massage. We’ll talk about how you feel and I may show you some self care stretches or share some tips to keep you feeling great between appointments. We can also talk about how frequently you may want to get massage to keep on feeling great.

If we addressed pain issues, you may immediately feel a reduction in pain, or it may take a day or two before you feel that relief. 

You can make the most of your first massage by learning what to expect and asking all the questions you like so you can feel comfortable before, during, and after the massage.

See you at your first massage!


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